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Are My Medical Records Protected in Release of Information?

In the state of California, any information about your medical history or other particulars is kept safe and confidential by law. In any case of information being released, your signature is often required for any changes to be made. This goes for the release of information in almost any case.

However, there are particular circumstances where the release of information can be released without your consent, but that is most often only in the case of a court order. Additionally, any agency of the government substantiating a search warrant will likely look into your medical records heavily.  This covers both electronic and physical copies of information, which have different levels of security based on how they’re recorded.

Is Digital Storage or Physical Storage Safer for Medical Records?

Both have their place. However, digital storage is far more reliable today. You need your records to be accessible at any time, but only by the correct sets of eyes. Otherwise, you put your information at risk of being lost or infringed on illegally.

Keep Your Records Safe Through Release of Information

Keep your records safe digitally with professional storage options. We can customize our preparation of your documents around the needs present in your practice. Whether it’s just maintaining the overflow of your patients’ information or the entirety of your system, we will properly prepare your documents for long-term storage success.